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in Meta by (525 points)

This might be a bit off-topic for this platform, but I thought I'd still give it a shot. I am looking for some catchphrases (or slogans, or whatever you may call them) regarding Open Science. Something that you can use in images, presentations, on shirts or buttons and that somehow transports a catchy message.

Something along the lines of e.g.

  • "Powered by Everybody",
  • "Because a closed door is seldomly an invitation",
  • "Science is great. Open it."
But only in good, if you know what I mean. ;-)
If you happen to know something, I would be glad if you could throw it in here! Thanks!

10 Answers

1 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)
edited by
  • Everybody's knowledge, nobody's property
  • Give a scientist a tool and you feed science for a day. Teach a scientist to be open and you feed science for a lifetime.

As sent by Graham Steel via Twitter.

by (0 points)
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Tool, not toll.
by (525 points)
0 0
Haha right, corrected it. Thanks Graham!
1 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)
by (210 points)
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A derivative of this:  Not open? Not science!
1 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)
  • Knowledge is power. Shared knowledge is empowering.
0 like 0 dislike
by (525 points)
  • Standing on the shoulder of giants is much easier if you have something to step upon and climb up there.
by (0 points)
0 0
Publishing research without data is simply advertising, not science
by (0 points)
0 0
"The process of scientific discovery - how we do science - will change more over the next 20 years than in the past 300 years" Michael Nielsen
by (0 points)
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"Science is fundamentally a peer-to-peer process and online communities will shape the evolution of scholarly publishing" - Cameron Neylon
by (525 points)
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Thanks Graham! I like the advertising one. The quotes are probably a bit too long to be catchy slogans as in "easy to understand by just a short look". Know what I mean?

by (0 points)
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"Open Science = Science done according to its definition". Brian Glanz
by (525 points)
0 0
Like that one too. Konrad suggested a short version that matches this too: Not open, not science!

by (30 points)
0 0
Graham, you probably wanted to quote Brian Nosek? https://twitter.com/BrianNosek/status/467022884456919040
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by (525 points)
edited by
  • Science by anybody, for everybody.

As suggested via Twitter by @openscience (original quote by Brian Glanz).

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by (525 points)
  • Good science that's good for scientists.

  • Making what's good for scientists = what's good for science.

As suggested via Twitter by RichieLenne (1, 2).
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by (525 points)
  • Because silos aren't natively found in science.

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by (210 points)

Not really catch but related: ”It’s a tragedy we had to add the word open to science.”

By Eduardo Robles

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by (525 points)
  • Better science for a better world.
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by (295 points)

I think that that the slogan

The cost of knowledge: how much do you pay for your own research?

Pretty much nails it down.

Taken from a community promotion ad on Academia SE


where you can also find a corresponding image.

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